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Shire - Koala


Shire - Koala

Manufactured in the U.S.A., Marquésa Lana polyolefin is an environmentally friendly product as well. It entails a mode of manufacturing that not only prevents damage to the environment, but actually reduces the carbon footprint by utilizing waste products from gasoline manufacturing. It is a byproduct of post-industrial waste and its manufacture produces no waste product. Additionally, it is a low temperature product, so it requires less energy to produce than other types of yarn. Its built in resistance to staining and wear eliminates the need for after market stain resistant finishes. It is recyclable and has high heat production upon incineration. IT is unique in its utilization of conservation methods from inception to disposal.

Source: Absecon Mills

Color Family: Brown

Grade: 1

Fabric Content: 100% Polyolefin with acrylic backing