Grand Rapids
When paired with a period-style end standard the Grand Rapids back works well in a historic setting, or as shown here, this attractive back can be paired with components for a more contemporary look. The Grand Rapids back is available for use on the Nos. 4, 8, 12 & 17 chair platforms.
Featured Models
Case Studies
Community Learning Center / Kendallville, IN
Morgan Hill Playhouse / Morgan Hill, CA
Shreveport Municipal Auditorium / Shreveport, LA
Bass Concert Hall / Austin, TX
Texas State University, Performing Arts Center / San Marcos, TX
Don P. Pence Center / Coolidge, AZ
University of Chicago, Mandel Hall / Chicago, IL
Available Chair Platforms
No. 4 Steel Platform
No. 4 Steel Platform
Innovative steel standards that provide durability and flexibility
No. 8 Steel Platform
No. 8 Steel Platform
Traditional 1" x 3" vertical steel column with a formed foot makes the No. 8 standard ideal for historic venues....
No. 12 Cast Iron Platform
No. 12 Cast Iron Platform
Cast iron chair platform for use with most back and seat components....
No. 17 Steel Platform
No. 17 Steel Platform
This chair platform is constructed from a traditional 1" x 3" steel column for use with the No. 17 gravity-lift, wood bottom seat