No. 154 Sunset

- Standard is cast aluminum
- Replica of early 20th-century chair stanchions found in some of the early movie houses across the United States
- Available for use on the Nos. 4, 8, and 12 fixed seating chair platforms
- Available with a number of armrest options
- Decorative, hand-painted highlights
Aisle standards shall be decorative cast aluminum construction and shall be a replica of an 18th Century, Baroque-style, lavishly ornate aisle standard as detailed in the contract drawings, or as approved by the project authority. Decorative aisle standards shall be constructed to properly support the aisle chairs and accommodate aisle lighting by concealing light fixtures within the upper portion of the standard. The decorative castings shall be approx. 10-1/2” width and shall feature an upper marquee portion of the standard with a raised, oval medallion bordered by leafy trim and downward radiating, elongated oval-shaped slots. The lower, major portion of the casting shall be embellished with long, downward-radiating, stepped, angular rays. The front of the standard shall be supported by a concave-curved rounded column with a leafed spiral surface. The front leg of the standard shall also branch to the rear in a decorative scroll shape to join with the rear leg, completing the arched opening at the bottom of the standard. The rear leg of the standard shall be vertical and decorated with leafy detail and vertical flutes. The upper, decorative marquee portion of the standard shall conceal a 120-volt, A.C., incandescent aisle light, and shall protrude sufficiently to form a convenient space for aisle light apparatus, as well as lower slots for light emission. A separate cast access cover shall be provided for the upper rear of the standard to provide access for the integral aisle light. The cast aluminum standard shall be floor mounted and of the proper thickness and design required to properly support the adjacent chair at the correct height and pitch. The exposed surface of the cast aluminum aisle standard shall be base-coated with an electrostatically applied powder coat, and decorated with enamel by the architect's instructions in the contract drawings (minimum of one decorative color above the powder base coat). Aisle standards shall be provided with cast aluminum lugs for supporting aisle standard armrests.