No. 143 Winter Garden

- Standard is cast aluminum
- Replica of early 20th-century chair stanchions
- Available for use on the Nos. 4, 8, and 12 fixed seating chair platforms
- Available with a number of armrest options
- Decorative, hand-painted highlights
Aisle standards shall be decorative cast aluminum construction and shall be a replica of a period-style aisle standard as detailed in the contract drawings, or as approved by the project authority. The decorative castings shall be approx. 9-1/2” width, and shall feature three vertical flanged columns and cross-braces to form an upper marquee, ornate, mid-height decorative cross-brace, and lower, plain flanged cross; all enclosing open areas within the decorative castings. The front and rear vertical columns shall extend to the floor, flared slightly front and rear, while the middle column shall terminate at the lower cross. The mid-height cross brace, upper marquee, and upper columns shall be decorated with raised-relief arabesque figures. The cast aluminum standard shall be floor mounted and of the proper thickness and design required to properly support the adjacent chair at the correct height and pitch. The exposed surface of the cast aluminum aisle standard shall be base-coated with an electrostatically applied powder coat, and decorated with enamel in accordance with the architect's instructions in the contract drawings (minimum of one decorative color above the powder base coat). Aisle standards shall be provided with cast aluminum lugs for supporting aisle standard armrests.